Friday, 31st January 2025
After months of working and campaigning, The Nationals’ MP for Mildura, Jade Benham, has received the news that the intersection of Myall Street and Boobook Avenue, Cardross, the site of the 2006 Cardross tragedy, will be upgraded.
After being approached by crash survivor Marco Medici and author Nathan Carnie following the launch of their book, The Night the Phones Fell Silent, Ms Benham helped create a petition and wrote to the Minister for Roads, Melissa Horne, calling for her assistance in obtaining this upgrade.
Ms Benham was advised by MRCC that they will:
- Reduce the speed limit along Myall Street from 100km/h to 80km/h for a length 400m each side of Boobook Avenue;
- Extend the existing 80km/h speed limit on Boobook Avenue to Twentieth Street;
- Install splitter islands on both legs of Boobook Avenue at the intersection;
- Install a stop sign on each traffic island.
“This is a common-sense decision that is well overdue,” said Ms Benham. “History shows that this intersection is dangerous, and I commend MRCC for their efforts in improving road safety.
“After speaking to the Minister and discussing how small steps like this may not change the world, but they will change the world for these families, the minister agrees that tackling road safety in small pieces makes a massive difference,” said Ms Benham.
“It’s great to see it’s finally happening. After almost 19 years, we didn’t think anything would change. Our goal was always to make a safer community. It’s a small step forward to preventing any further road trauma,” said Mr Carnie.