The Victorian Parliament’s Integrity and Oversight Committee is seeking submissions to an inquiry into freedom of information laws in the state.
IOC Committee Member, Jade Benham is inviting submissions to be made from members of the public by 15 January 2024.
The Committee will examine a range of issues, including: the effectiveness of the Freedom of Information Act’s current policy model in comparison with other options; mechanisms for proactive and informal release of information; efficient and timely mechanisms for persons to access their own personal and health information; the time and costs involved in providing access to information; and a variety of other matters available in the terms of reference published on the Committee’s website.
“This will be the first occasion that the FOI legislation has been comprehensively reviewed since it came into effect in 1982,” the Chair of the Committee, Dr Tim Read said.
“It presents an important opportunity to ensure that the FOI Act is modern, accessible and fit for purpose.”
The Integrity and Oversight Committee (IOC) monitors and reviews the performance of the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission, the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner (OVIC), the Victorian Inspectorate and the Victorian Ombudsman.
OVIC has a number of key functions, including: promoting understanding and acceptance by agencies and the public of the FOI Act and its object; conducting reviews of decisions made by agencies and ministers under the FOI Act; handling FOI complaints; providing advice, education, and guidance to agencies and the public; developing and monitoring compliance with professional standards; and providing advice, education, and guidance to agencies and the public in relation to compliance with the professional standards.
Further information on the Committee and making a submission is available on the Committee’s website.