Member for Mildura Jade Benham has joined female Nationals State Members in not only recognising International Women’s Day in Spring Street today but celebrating the 100 years since females won the right to stand for the Victorian Government.
She was joined by Annabelle Cleeland (Euroa), Gaelle Broad (Northern Victoria Region), Kim O’Keefe (Shepparton) and Melina Bath (Eastern Victoria Region) in Parliament.
Ms Benham said the landmark Parliamentary Elections (Women Candidates) Act was passed in 1923, allowing women to stand for the Victorian Parliament.
“Since 1923, we’ve seen women from all walks of life shape our state through their commitment to service in public office,” Ms Benham said.
“In 2023, women make up nearly half the parliamentarians across both our Houses.
“Over this time the women in our Parliament have been pivotal in strengthening our democracy and have helped to build long lasting reforms that have improved the life of all Victorian women and girls.”
Ms Benham in Parliament recognised several influential and inspiring females within her electorate including domestic violence advocate/survivor Kim O’Reilly, local opera star Siobhan Stagg, advocate for heart health Katrina Umback and Federal Member for Mallee Anne Webster.

Annabelle Cleelenad, Emma Kealy, Kim O’Keefe, Melina Bath, Jade Benham and Gaelle Broad