Monday, 16 December 2024
The Nationals’ Member for Mildura, Jade Benham, has condemned the Allan Labor Government’s decision to increase the Fire Services Levy with its re-branded Emergency Services and Volunteers Fund, as it delivers yet another blow to Victoria’s ratepayers.
The Labor Government announced that Victorian property owners will be hit with a doubling of the Fire Services Levy (FSL) as the government uses it to help fund other emergency services in the form of a newly named Emergency Services Volunteers Fund (ESVF), encompassing the State Emergency Service, Triple Zero Victoria, the State Control Centre, Forest Fire Management Victoria and Emergency Recovery Victoria.
Ms Benham described the ESVF an “expanded tax” which forces Victorians to pay for what should be core government services.
“Using a levy to pay for more services means there will be less transparency on where and how money is spent,” Ms Benham said.
The Nationals have been calling for volunteers to be exempted from the fire services levy and that will happen.
But the CFA, who are critical to regional Victoria’s emergency response, must be resourced appropriately.
“Labor are simply rebranding to fund their financial incompetence,” Ms Benham said.
“Labor cannot manage money, can’t manage emergency services and regional Victorian families are paying the price.”