The Nationals’ Member for Mildura, Jade Benham, has again highlighted Mildura’s total criminal incidents are up 10.5 per cent. Increased criminal offences are among the highest in the state with youth crime, domestic violence and aggravated burglaries.
Ms Benham engaged with numerous stakeholders who are directly involved in addressing crime and its impacts on our community.
After denying for years that a problem exists, even weakening bail laws and cutting early intervention and youth engagement programs, the government has finally acknowledged the need to act.
Speaking on behalf of victims in Parliament Ms Benham extended an invitation to the Minister for Police to come to Mildura to meet with key stakeholders and the victims of crime.
“I am committed to taking every chance to work across government, including alongside the Minister, for the betterment of the community,” said Ms Benham.
“This is the second Government Minister to accept my invitation in as many months which proves that professional working relationships can be incredibly productive.”
The visit included meetings with Mildura Police Superintendent John O’Connor, Senior Sergeant Dale Long and other Mildura Police members, teams and a tour of the station.
“Addressing crime requires a collaborative approach, hearing firsthand accounts and the concerns and suggestions from those on the ground is an important step forward.
“It is crucial that we work together to develop effective solutions that not only address the symptoms but also tackle the root causes of crime including the long-awaited Multidisciplinary Centre to support victims.”
“I will continue to advocate for our community and ensure that our voices are heard.
“There are Government Ministers such as Minister Carbines & Minister Spence, willing to work together, and make a positive difference creating a safer, more supportive environment for our young people.”