Nationals’ Member for Mildura, Jade Benham, is inviting agricultural and pastoral society groups to apply for the 2023 Grants Program – offering grants of up to $10,000 to eligible projects.
“The grants will offer agricultural and pastoral societies the opportunity to upgrade or establish new facilities, while creating opportunities for further collaboration and partnerships with businesses.
“It will also offer these societies the opportunity to elevate their event planning and encompass innovative ways to engage people at regional shows including online livestock exhibitions and the integration of virtual technology.”
“I love attending field days and ag shows and the innovation coming from regional Victoria continues to amaze me,” said Ms Benham.
“The social connection and economic benefit of these events for regional towns is so important.”
Eligible projects for funding can include improving showground amenities like fencing and shade covers, or further enhancing on-farm biosecurity planning.
To learn more about the Agricultural and Pastoral Society Grants Program and to apply, visit:
Applications close Friday 13 October 2023.

Jade Benham MP at Mildura Field Days 2023