Friday 22nd November 2024
Dear Sir,
I am continuing to get on with the job and ensure that our communities are getting the much needed investment they have been calling for.
Recent announcements on the back of calls from the community and my engagements with the government show that outcomes are being achieved.
More than $9 million in regional worker housing investment was announced for our region recently, including Irymple, Robinvale and wins the Buloke Shire Council and Rural North West Health at Hopetoun.
Murrayville Community College works will commence soon for its $4 million project, whilst we’ve had almost $17 million in early childhood infrastructure in the past two years.
That’s just the beginning.
These projects are reward for the incredible work of individuals and organisations who put the submissions together, and also make invaluable contributions to these projects as they are built.
Mildura Rural City Council has been very focused on improving access to childcare in communities like Red Cliffs, so this is massive win for the families who travel to Mildura and back each day for childcare. It’s literally life changing.
I will continue to keep up the fight for our community and ensure we get our fair share.
Jade Benham MP