Nationals Member for Mildura, Jade Benham, is still waiting to hear from Minister for Health Mary-Anne Thomas as to why everyone is waiting for the now very overdue masterplan of the Mildura Base Public Hospital.
Ms Benham says the masterplan – the long-term vision for MBPH – was due for release in April 2022; more than 12 months ago.
She says the community is now getting concerned and it is her responsibility to demand answers “because once again the Andrews Labor government is ignoring regional Victoria”.
“Having access to reliable health care is not an option but a must,” Ms Benham says.
While Daniel Andrews and his union cronies continue to boast about the billions of dollars in taxpayer money they are spending on Melbourne projects – and hemorrhaging even more billions in cost overruns and appalling mismanagement – here in Mildura we are left with no answers and no guaranteed future for our health services,” she says.
“With the announcement of the next budget just around the corner, the pressure is on to get the answers needed for regional Victorians.
“Mildura Base Public Hospital masterplan has been locked in a vault and kept secret by this Premier for more than a year, stalling urgent investment in the region’s main healthcare service.”
Ms Benham added cruel cuts to community health services have already been announced by the Andrews Labor Government, and important infrastructure projects are being delayed to prop up a budget destroyed by economic incompetence, a bloated public service and an endless parade of consultants, all of which have maxed out the public’s credit card.
She says we all know this budget will be a shocker, but regional healthcare services must be prioritised, especially after years of ongoing neglect.