Friday, 27th December 2024
Potholes for all seasons campaign
Victorians are being encouraged to highlight the worst potholes in the state through a new campaign to apply more pressure on the Allan Labor Government to fix our appalling roads.
The Nationals and Liberals have launched a statewide photo competition, with the best (or worst) potholes to feature in a 2025 “Potholes for All Seasons” Calendar that will be presented to Premier Jacinta Allan and Roads and Road Safety Minister Melissa Horne.
Victorians are invited to submit photos of potholes or road damage they believe require urgent attention to
The Nationals’ Member for Mildura, Jade Benham, said Victoria’s roads have been going backwards for years after successive road maintenance budget cuts under Labor.
“Victorians know our roads are in a deplorable state and they are angry about it,” Ms Benham said.
“It is time to put pressure on the government to act on maintaining our roads.
“This year’s road maintenance budget is 16 per cent less than it was four years ago and this government’s own survey last year found 91 per cent of roads reviewed were in a poor or very poor state.
“This is a disastrous state of affairs because the lack of maintenance will just mean more potholes and damaged roads will appear in future,” Ms Benham said.
“Labour can’t manage money and they can’t manage roads. We need to highlight the problem to get Labor to act.”
Ms Benham encouraged motorists to only take photos of roads where they can do so safely and without putting other road users at risk.