The Nationals Member for Mildura, Jade Benham, was proud to join other Members of The Nationals at Parliament during the week to call out the hoax that is the SEC, re-branding the State Electricity Commission “Soaring Energy Costs”.
MPs wore branded hats, which were the brain-child of The Nationals’ Member for Morwell, Martin Cameron, who has witnessed the SEC con job first-hand.
Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains, Peter Walsh, says the SEC is a “just a hoax for Victorian consumers”.
“There’s no way known we’re going to see costs for electricity come down under the Allan Labor Government. It’s just a hoax for Victorian consumers.”
“We’re going to call them out on it. The SEC stands for nothing but Soaring Energy Costs these days,” Ms Benham says.
”Just remember the SEC is Soaring Energy Costs. It’s not going to bring our prices down.”

The Nationals MPs stand against “Soaring Energy Costs”: (From Left): Gaelle Broad, Member for Northern Victoria, Annabelle Cleeland, Member for Euroa, Peter Walsh, Leader and Member for Murray Plains, Tim McCurdy, Member for Ovens Valley, Emma Kealy, Deputy Leader and Member for Lowan, Melina Bath, Member for Eastern Victoria Region, Jade Benham, Member for Mildura, Danny O’Brien, Member for Gippsland South and Martin Cameron, Member for Morwell.