Safer drivers make safer roads

In response to concerns raised by those involved in the industry, Jade Benham, the Member for Mildura, is calling on the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, to address the issue of unlicensed truck drivers on our roads. Benham highlights the industry’s consistent message that pending heavy vehicle licensing reforms may exacerbate the problem and…

Our brave volunteers

I would like acknowledge and express gratitude towards the brave volunteers who selflessly respond to emergencies and work tirelessly to ensure the safety and well-being of their communities. In times of unpredictable and challenging weather conditions, such as that seen in Robinvale, their dedication becomes even more crucial. The power outages and bush fire in…

Road funding to improve safety

Member for Mildura, Jade Benham, is in high spirits to announce that an allocation of up to $2 million has been issued to both MRCC and SHRCC. This significant financial injection aims to address the pressing concerns surrounding the deteriorating state of local roads. Ms Benham has written to the Minister several times with regards…

Clontarf funding advocacy rewarded

Member for Mildura, Jade Benham, is congratulating the Clontarf Foundation on securing funding towards a program designed to enhance safety outcomes for Indigenous youth by increasing access to the Graduated Licensing System (GLS). This will be achieved through the provision of professional driving lessons and comprehensive road safety education. “This is not just about offering…

Port of Melbourne truck tax another Labor blow

The Allan Government must rule out imposing a Port of Melbourne truck tax for freight movements. Documents from the Department of Transport and Planning reveal a road freight tax is being actively considered for trucks loading and unloading at the Port of Melbourne to make the cost of road freight more expensive, and thus making…

Common sense win for duck hunting

Common sense has prevailed in a win for thousands of duck harvesters throughout Victoria. A biased and stacked Inquiry which recommended the end of duck harvesting was a sham and the Liberals and Nationals strongly support the practice continuing. Labor, the Greens and the Animal Justice Party members involved in the Inquiry into Victoria’s Recreational…

Community Health: Column

For a first-time mum who could be struggling with breast feeding and needing help to settle her baby or someone who needs pain rehabilitation from a physiotherapist this and more is provided by your local community health services. Community health services are an integral part of the Victorian health system and funding to help them…

Action needed on crime increase

The Nationals Member for Mildura, Jade Benham, has renewed calls for an urgent meeting with Police Minister Anthony Carbines in the wake of new statistics that show crime is spiraling out of control. “The crime rate continues to rise, yet my repeated calls for adequate resourcing continue to fall on deaf ears,” Ms Benham said.…

Potholes need funding fill

The deplorable state of roads will be back on the agenda when State Parliament resumes in February. Nationals Member for Mildura, Jade Benham, said it was alarming the number of road warning and traffic hazard signs that had been situated on our roadsides for an extended period of time, without repairs being done. “What is…

Industry at breaking point

Nationals Member for Mildura, Jade Benham, said her office has been inundated with concerns raised by business advisors and accountants, shedding light on a substantial loophole in the Labour Hire Authority that requires immediate attention. Ms Benham has written to the Minister to acknowledge and address these issues promptly. It is essential to ensure the…