The Nationals will continue to fight for much-loved Agricultural Shows amid a concerning funding freeze.
Our Deputy Leader and Shadow Minister for Agriculture, Emma Kealy, has revealed the extent of the problem.
Despite rising inflation, the Agriculture and Pastoral Society Grants Program has remained stagnant this year at $300,000 in total funding, with a $10,000 maximum for each Show.
Back in 2005, the total fund was $320,000 – $20,000 more than today.
In the meantime, inflation has risen more than 50 per cent in the past 19 years. That is a massive hit in real terms for Shows that need the funding.
The Nationals’ member for Mildura Jade Benham says “Shows are the lifeblood of our small communities. They bring people together, educate & are often a much-needed social outing for those in isolated communities.”
“Local Ag shows are still a vital part of rural and regional Victoria and it’s very apparent to me that Labor just don’t understand that.
“It’s very clear that Labor can’t manage money, can’t manage to understand life in the bush and it’s regional families that are paying the price.
The Agricultural and Pastoral Society Grants Program will provide grants of up to $10,000 for infrastructure development and other business activities to celebrate Victoria’s agricultural communities, industry, and produce.
The grants can be used for a variety of reasons, including upgrading facilities and infrastructure, improving public amenities, creating new activities, and promoting local shows.
Applications close on 23 August.
To learn more about the Agricultural and Pastoral Society Grants Program or to apply today, visit Agriculture Victoria.