The Nationals Member for Mildura Jade Benham has congratulated the Murrayville community on its acquisition of a new, all-wheel drive stretcher ambulance service.
Ms Benham visited the Murrayville community in February when she was completing the Starlight Superswim around her electorate.
She says she was “stunned” when it was explained to her the town’s only ambulance was not a four-wheel drive.
“Given the landscape and terrain in and around Murrayville, it seemed the only logical solution was to have their vehicle upgraded as a matter of urgency in the upcoming state budget,” Ms Benham says.
“I took the dilemma to the floor of the Parliament, and called on the government to urgently intervene in this seriously limiting shortfall in local emergency services,” she says.
“In response to that I have now been told Murrayville ambulance branch will be one of nine across Regional Victoria to receive a new all-wheel drive vehicle in the coming financial year.
“This problem is also a classic example of locals knowing, but then and either assuming everyone else is aware there is an issue, or not realising something can be done.
“My door is always open to everyone in my electorate, but if I don’t know about your problem I cannot advocate on your behalf.”