Aboriginal sport participation grants

First Nations athletes will have more opportunities to compete in the sports they love, with a new grants program aimed at boosting sport participation. Nationals’ Member for Mildura, Jade Benham, is encouraging all community sporting clubs to consider applying for the latest round. “All sporting codes in our region have a dynamic participation in all…

Community leadership a great return on investment

Nationals’ Member for Mildura, Jade Benham, was delighted to recently host the Northern Mallee Leaders Study Tour at Parliament House as a part of their 2024 Study trip. The NMLP Melbourne Study Trip is designed to deepen participants’ understanding of the relationship between Regional Victoria and its capital. This year’s trip focuses on key themes…

Local government cost inquiry begins

A Parliamentary inquiry into local government funding and services will begin this week with residents and local councils encouraged to make submissions. Ms Benham said potential cost-shifting issues ranged from waste collection to school crossing attendants, and the repair of regional roads. The Committee will investigate local government funding and service delivery in Victoria, including:…

Crime statistics outrageous

The Nationals Member for Mildura, Jade Benham, has renewed calls for an urgent meeting with the Minister for Police and Minister for Youth Justice in the wake of new statistics that show crime is spiraling out of control. New data released yesterday shows Recorded Offences are up 8.2 per cent in Mildura for the year…

Nationals’ childcare desert relief plan

The Nationals are working on a specialist policy to address the ongoing childcare crisis in regional Victoria. The first step to building this policy involved an analysis summarised in a report titled “Beyond Urban Borders” and investigates access to childcare in regional Victoria using data, community responses, and interviews with local providers. Nationals’ colleague, Member…

Youth crime solutions – LTE

What a week to have a chance lunch meeting with the Minister for Corrections and Youth Justice, on the very day that Victoria’s latest crime statistics were released. It just so happens that Minister Enver Erdogan MLC, is part of the Parliamentary Friends of Italy, of which I co-chair. We had a meeting on Thursday,…

Labor has no plan for youth crime

The youth justice announcement from the Allan Labor Government reveals it has no plan to keep Victorians safe and address the alarming rise in violent youth crime. After denying for years that a problem exists, even weakening bail laws and cutting early intervention and youth engagement programs, the government has finally acknowledged the need to…

A fair go for all LTE

Young people in regional Victoria have been overlooked by the Andrews Labor Government for far too long so The Victorian Nationals have launched a Fair School Bonus campaign to highlight regional Victorians being blatantly ignored by Labor. So many families are unfairly excluded by the Allan Labor Government’s inequitable School Saving Bonus and it’s time…

Wild dogs out of control

Upon her return to Parliament next week, Nationals Member for Mildura, Jade Benham, will ask the Minister for Environment on why Northwest Victoria is being thrown to the dogs? Ms Benham has had sheep graziers call her office reporting, up to 30 lambs mauled in a single night. Once a wild dog is on private…

Mildura MDC must be delivered

Jade Benham MP has called on the Premier to clarify whether the recently announced Family Violence Protection Package will address the critical needs of the Mildura Multidisciplinary Centre (MDC). The MDC, which incorporates the Mallee Sexual Assault Unit and the Mallee Domestic Violence Unit, is in dire need of expansion due to the region’s alarmingly…