Health services in doubt as mergers aired

The Ouyen community is growing increasingly concerned that the Minister for Health is deliberately restructuring the board of the Mallee Track Health and Community Service to pave the way for consolidation. Ms Benham raised the concern in Parliament with the Minister for Health, Mary Anne Thomas walking out while the Member for Mildura was speaking.…

Merbein set for crossing

The Nationals’ Member for Mildura, Jade Benham, is proud to announce a significant investment in pedestrian safety for schools in Merbein around Merbein P–10 College and Our Lady Primary School. Ms Benham has been working closely with local council and community groups to ensure these much-needed safety improvements are prioritised. The upgrades will include improved…

Councils not immune to new taxes

The Nationals’ Member for Mildura, Jade Benham, has slammed The Alan Labor Government for adding yet another new tax to our already struggling councils. A new charge would make it more difficult to provide other services for the community, given the new charge would cost each council upward of $10,000 annually. “It is a form…

Concern over varroa mite protocols as beehive migration commences in Victoria

In light of Australia’s largest livestock migration, which involves approximately 360,000 beehives traveling to almond orchards in the north-west of Victoria, concerns have been raised regarding the measures and protocols in place for a potential varroa mite outbreak. The Nationals’ Member for Mildura, Jade Benham, has directed an urgent question to the Minister for Agriculture,…

Wild dogs survey while livestock left to die

The Nationals are calling on producers to make their voices heard on wild dog issues. It comes after the government revoked an unprotection order on wild dogs in the north-west of the state in March 2024 without consultation and with only a few hours’ notice. The Nationals’ Member for Mildura, Jade Benham, said since the…

Telemarketing and doorknocking changes

The Nationals’ Member for Mildura, Jade Benham, is urging the public to be aware of new bans on telemarketing and doorknocking under the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program. Starting from 1 May 2024, unsolicited telemarketing calls related to the VEU program were made prohibited, followed by a ban on doorknocking from 1 August 2024. These…

Ag show recognition needs upgrade

The Nationals will continue to fight for much-loved Agricultural Shows amid a concerning funding freeze. Our Deputy Leader and Shadow Minister for Agriculture, Emma Kealy, has revealed the extent of the problem. Despite rising inflation, the Agriculture and Pastoral Society Grants Program has remained stagnant this year at $300,000 in total funding, with a $10,000…